
[ Previous News ]

July 2015
Project Concept

June 2015
Report by
Shigeru Ban

May 2015
First Visit

A prototype of the Nepal House Project was built in Kathmandu on October 19th.
The houses will be provided to the communities affected by the earthquake.

[ Call for Donation ]

We appreciate donation for this project to reach to communities in need of new homes and schools.

[ Project Ditails ]

1. 地元の建材を利用した木フレームによる住宅
1. Wooden-frame house using local materials and technique
Combination of carved wooden frames and brick-embedded walls are commonly seen throughout Nepal. Such technique of assembly of wooden frame is still widely used. Thus we are using timber frame as the main structural element of the house. This also allows us to provide houses in short time.

2 . 倒壊した住宅のレンガを再利用
2. Reuse of rubble bricks from collapsed houses
People are now rebuilding their houses using rubble bricks as same as before the earthquake, but bricks should not be used as main structure in the case of seismic risk. In this project, we use timber frame as main structure and rubble bricks simply as enclosure.

3. 構造実験により、安心して住むことができる住宅を提供
3. Providing safe homes
People are still living outside fearing the aftershocks. To provide safe houses, we conducted structural tests of timber frames in Japan. The feedback enabled us to design the houses with both safety and flexibility in planning.

4. 住宅や学校等の用途として広く支援を実施
4. Flexibility in program
We will start to provide the houses to communities in need. As one unit can be multiplied and be arranged for the usage of classroom, etc., we will also start school project in the Himalayas.

[ Contribution to the Project ]

Swiss Re Foundation

一般社団法人 海外建設協会(OCAJI)

TSP TAIYO Inc. / TSP太陽株式会社

ICTC Group

Saraf Foundation for
Himalayan Traditions & Culture

The Taragaon Museum

[ Contribution for Visualization ]

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