熊本地震(2016) / 木造仮設住宅
Wooden Prefabricated Temporary Housing/ Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan

Mifune, Kumamoto, Japan / 熊本県御船町


2016 Kumamoto Earthquake are a series of earthquakes, including a magnitude 7.0 mainshock which struck at 01:25 JST on April 16, 2016 and a foreshock earthquake with a magnitude 6.2 at 21:26 on April 14 beneath Kumamoto City of Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu Region, Japan. This is a housing complex of three wooden temporary buildings with a community space for ten families who were damaged from Kumamoto Earthquake at Mifune Town in Kumamoto Prefecture. The structure of the temporary house is built from structural panels comprised of wood and plywood. The panels are prefabricated at the factory and then brought to the site. In this way it enables to shorten the construction period at the site. By using the structural panels as the final finishing material it can minimalize the use of finishing material. The community space is a collaboration project between Shigeru Ban Architects, Voluntary Architects’ Network, Keio University SFC Shigeru Ban Lab, and Kumamoto University. The team will also design a community space within the site.




間仕切りの再利用 門松/のれんプロジェクト


熊本大学田中智之研究室/ Kumamoto University Tomoyuki Tanaka Lab
熊本大学星野裕司研究室/ Kumamoto University Yuji Hoshino Lab
藤本誠生建築設計事務所/ Seisho Fujimoto & Associates



--01---プロジェクト概要/ Project Overview
--02---モックアップ制作/ Mock-up
--03---敷地視察/ Site Visit
--04---建設1/ Construction 1
--05---パネル工場/ Panel Factory
--06---建設2/ Construction 2
--07---建設3/ Construction 3
--08---建設4/ Construction 4
--09---建設5/ Construction 5
--10---建設6/ Construction 6
--11---竣工/ Completion
--12---建設7/ Construction 7
--13---建設8/ Construction 8
--14---建設9/ Construction 9
--15---建設10/ Construction 10
--16---建設11/ Construction 11
--17---オープニング/ Opening Ceremony
--18---瓦プロジェクト/ Kawara Project
--19---竣工2/ Completion2

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