ODAWARA HALL AND EAST GATE/ 小田原パビリオン、メイン会場東ゲート

Odawara, Kanagawa, Japan/ 神奈川県小田原市、日本

To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Odawara municipality, the local government commissioned a temporary multi-purpose hall. The mayor wanted a wooden building at first, but, in light of the budget and time limit, it was suggested that the hall be constructed of paper tubes and the tubes themselves be viewed as an “evolved wood.” Since the scale of the building far exceeds that of the Paper Arbor which was built a year earlier, a special building permit was required before construction could begin. However, the construction period did not allow enough time for permit process, so the paper tubes are used in the self-standing exterior and interior walls (and could withstand wind pressure only) and columns of steel were used to support the roof. The interior space of about 1300 square meters was composed of 330 paper tubes (525mm in diameter, 15mm thick, and 8m long). The spaces between the tubes were filled with clear vinyl tubing to filter natural light. One large paper tube with a diameter of 1.2 m as a restroom.

