Hospital in Lviv



2023年9月5日、日本外国特派員協会にてウクライナ・リヴィウのアンドリー・サドヴィー市長と坂 茂が会見を開き、リビウ市内の病院に新たに外科病棟を建設することを発表しました。

On September 5, 2023, at the Japan Foreign Correspondents' Club, Mayor Andriy Sadovy of Lviv, Ukraine, and Shigeru Ban held a press conference to announce the construction of a new surgical ward in a hospital in Lviv.



On June 30, 2023, a presentation regarding the expansion plans for a hospital in the city of Lviv, western Ukraine, was made in the presence of the mayor and deputy mayor. This hospital is the largest hospital in Ukraine and has been receiving a large number of patients since the beginning of the war, which has necessitated an urgent expansion of the hospital's functions.

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